5 Make Up tricks for Working Out

5 Tips for Wearing Make Up to Work Out
I’ve always been into sports, ever since I was a child. I’ve tried a bunch of them.. from swimming to tennis to volleyball and basketball. But like most of my generation I ended up quitting sports entirely in high-school. I did, however, continue to walk. And to this day I like walking and cycling the best out of all the sports I did.
Like most of my generation as well, I discovered in my mid-twenties that I can go to the GYM to do body-building, lift some weights and then fell in love with CrossFit back in 2012. And throughout this journey playing sports to me always meant that I had to look like a man! I had to be in baggy clothes and had my hair up and viciously stuck to my scalp, a big t-shirt and massive sneakers. This was my idea of working out. But as I matured I started to understand the sense of fashion behind GYM gear and started to pay a little more attention (and money for that matter) to my “working out outfits” and in general how I look in the GYM.
When it comes to outfits it will be better to dedicate and entire post to that, but for now let’s talk hair and make-up. Yes.. Make Up. No I’m not joking.
For sure wearing make-up to the gym is quiet controversial, but I am not saying you have to go with the overboard green smokey eyes complete with lashes an’ all. That doesn’t mean your face must match your sneaker either.
I’m talking a simple and heavy duty look, and trust me on this one.. I’ve put it through the CrossFit Test and it worked.
         1.       Skip the foundation:
This is not a tough one to figure out on your own, add moisture to any foundation and it’s a guaranteed mess. Not cute. Instead opt in for a BB cream or if like me you work out in the sun and (trying to) care for your skin try a tinted sunscreen (check out this post where I rave about the Bioderma one) or a tinted moisturizer, mine is from Catrice  it's called Ultimate Moisture, I got it from Seif pharmacies before they discontinued selling it there, now you can find it in Samir William. If you don’t have any of these, you can make one, simply mix a drop of foundation into a moisturizing cream and.. voila. And of course, you can always skip the base all together.
         2.       Use a cream blush, if any:
If your workouts are not intense enough to induce some redness into your face then use a cream blusher. If you can get your hands on this KIKO Milano one, or maybe NYX, H&M also have some really good ones. But if your workout is heavy enough to leave your cheeks red on their own then a healthy glow is better than the make-believe one for sure.
         3.       Brow wax vs. Powder:
It’s a fact the any cream product will need to be set with powder in order to stay in place. When it comes to brows, however, wax is a different story. Actually, sometimes I skip the powder even if I’m not working out that day, I just use the Maybelline Brow Drama and call it a day on my brows. But if I’ve gone a bit heavy handed with my tweezer I might just use a pencil to fill them in a little. I personally sue the H&M one and love it more than any other brow pencil I used before.
         4.       Skip the liner, go for Mascara:
Obviously a waterproof mascara unless you want to end up looking like a panda by then end of you workout. I’ve tried to workout with waterproof liner once. I didn’t leave my eyes black or anything, but It was gone by the time I was done. So I wouldn’t recommend using a kajal pencil or liner when you’re doing intense workouts, just do a single layer of waterproof mascara. It fixes everything.
         5.       Nude colored lip balms
Go back to basics with your lip make up at the gym. A. because red stains on your working out gear isn’t fun. B. because you’ll look extra goofy with a red lip working out. Go for a neutral your-lips

-but-better color, and go for a formula of a balm, it will introduce an element of moisture to your lips and keep them hydrated all the while giving you a nice something extra. No body can up Revlon’s game when it comes to tinted lip balms with their ColorBurst Lip Butter, but there are a few other options out there too, you can check out The Body Shop, Bourjois and good ol’ Labello.

Of course, going to the gym with a full face of makeup (lashes an’ all) to take that infamous mirror selfie is perfectly fine. But if you plan to actually workout then this + a nice hair and outfit would be the correct answer.

5 Tips for Wearing Make Up to Work Out
Always test your skin’s reaction to make-up and read the ingredients list before you buy it.



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