12 Packing Hacks to Pack Light (Free Packing Checklist included)

There is a certain excitement when planning for a trip that only the actual trip surpasses. For most people, packing can be a stressful task. For me, it is one of the best parts about planning my trips. For me packing is like preparing for all the fun I’m going to have on my trip, even if it’s a business trip, I find myself very excited to start.
A lot of people, me included, have been victims of over packing, the feeling like you want to take your entire house with you is very common don’t worry it isn’t just you. But there are a few things you can actually do to have a stress-free packing experience without packing absolutely everything.
I’ve put together this step by step guide for you to enjoy your packing as much as you can, start off by printing the free packing checklist available here. I designed this especially to cater for those who like to stay on top of things and make sure small things like your loofa and headphone adapters don’t go unnoticed. Excited? Lets go!

1. Check the weather:
Before attempting to plan your packing checklist you need to check the weather at your destination to make sure you have the appropriate clothing. A good trick if you’re not sure is to pack clothes that can be layered, and that way you can always go from winter to summer in a moment. Make sure you check the highs and the lows, in some destinations it will be sunny in the morning but a little colder in the night.

2. Plan your trip:
Obviously! If you’re not the sort of person that plans their site-seeing and do day-by-day itinerary to their trips, you still need to have a rough idea of what will be done at your destination so you can pack accordingly, you will also need to figure out how many outfits you will need. For example on a business trip you may need several formal outfits and then a couple of casual ones, maybe you can go on a beach day so pack a swimsuit.

3. Plan what you’ll wear each day:
Again some people will have a very detailed daily plan, if you’re that sort of person, packing becomes a lot easier. If not then you can just safely say an outfit for each day, unless you know you’ll be switching outfits day to night then that means two outfits per day. It’s always a good idea to pack things that are versatile enough to be worn in more than one way, for example a playsuit can be a beach cover-up but you can also go out with it for morning walks or site seeing. Its also a rule of thumb to pack in the 2 to 1 ratio. Two tops for each bottom, so you can get more outfits from less items, I always tend to choose clothes that don’t require to be ironed if I don’t absolutely have to (i.e. if its not a business trip and I have to pack shirts). - It also helps if you take pictures of your outfits that way you know what goes with what and need less time to get ready on your way out.

4. Keep you accessories functional:
Its not sensible to pack high heels on a beach summer vacation, if you know you’ll be dining somewhere fancy then maybe pack a fancier shoe and a dress. I used to always over-pack shoes and accessories when I did not necessary need them, now what I tend to do is pack one shoe only and wear one, I always skip outfits that need belts, pack or wear one scarf and have a small bag for all my jewelry.
5. Do everything you can before you travel:
If you need to take care of extra hair then do it before leaving in order not to pack hair removal kits. If you need to do any skin-care masks get them done before your travel date so you don’t have to worry about carrying them back and forth. Get you hair, nails and everything else sorted. For me nail polish normally lasts about 3 to 4 days, so I normally paint my nails on the night that I travel with a neutral shade, and pack it to top up in the middle of my trip.

6. Think of each piece before you pack it:
Use the checklist to get a general idea of what you need, the list is great but only if you thoroughly think of each item before you check it. Do you absolutely need to have another handbag in addition to the one you’ll carry to the airport? Do you really need your laptop? Most hotel rooms have a hair dryer already, you can also always contact the hotel if you’re not sure and ask. Don’t be scared to under-pack if you’re not going somewhere exotic. Leave that roll of toilet paper behind, supermarkets are very common these days…

7. If you’re shopping eliminate the shopping items:
I know that on my next trip I’m going to do a bit of shopping, and I know that one of items I want to buy is a carry-on suitcase, this is why I will make arrangements to go without one, and buy it from there. I also plan on buying a pair of jeans, so I know that these are things I’m not packing. But at the same time I know that if I don’t find what I’m looking for I wouldn’t mind spending my trip without wearing jeans.

8. Collect everything:
After you’re finished planning and checking the items, start laying everything out on one big surface, I usually use my bed for that. Take notes of anything that’s missing or that you need to buy before leaving. At this point you can make decisions on what goes where, so you can now divide your stuff into things that go into your luggage and what goes into your carry-on and what’s in your handbag.

9. Pack!
You may be already familiar with packing styles, some people prefer to roll their clothes into sausage-like rolls, while others tend to fold them or lay them flat on top of each other’s. Because I always keep my packing to the minimal my luggage normally is always only half full so both are fine for me, but if I buy a lot of things or if I’m staying for a long time I prefer to use the rolling method. Its also a good idea to invest in good quality luggage, this means it will be lighter and designed in a way to maximize the use of space.

10. Packing make-up and accessories:
I always choose makeup that doesn’t take much space, like using eye shadow sticks instead of a palette. I always depot my make up and skin/hair care into smaller packages, especially things like foundation, shampoo and conditioner. Travelling is also a good time to use up all those perfume samples, no need to pack that big glass bottle. Shoes go into a dust bag, and jewelry into a jewelry pouch.

11. Think in the order of the day:
I have made the mistake of forgetting to pack pajamas on several occasions. Always think of your day in details, so you end up forgetting the small things like your toothbrush and loofa. And I know this will gross some people out but I also keep a toilets essentials bag in my travel bag all the time it includes a travel buzz, savlotec and gloves… I never trust hotel cleaning..

12. On the travel day:
These are not necessarily packing tips but they fall into the same category. I always pack one pair of shoes and wear one to the airport, the one I wear is a rubber sole slip-on, its good to walk in and easy to take off and put on at security checks. I also wear a big warm scarf, I use it as a blanket on the plane and don’t have to pack it that way. Unless I know that I’m landing to the same weather I’m flying to then I normally have something to layer on, like a cardigan or a jacket.
I always wear my most comfortable clothes travelling, normally stretchy cotton leggings and a long dress-like top with big pockets. Its also a good idea to wear a cross over bag with pockets to the airport. This will help you be more organized and have enough hands to roll your suite cases along. 


Unknown said…
very helpful for people like me who is forgetting every thing and have to buy all abroad, and forget them there.


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