5 Big Plans for 2018

A new year is always that time when you start a new planner and get your shit together to face another 12 months of surprises. Life never fails to surprise me anymore, oh so many things happened in 2017 that made life change so much for me.
But deep thoughts aside, the new year is obviously an exciting chance that you should seize to jot down some thoughts on how you're going to spend your time in the new year. I hate to call them resolutions because for me I make resolutions all the time and never follow them through, this is why the plans I make in the beginning of each year are for me only plans that can change if I need them to change.
So I thought I'd share these 5 big plans I have for 2018 and maybe that will introduce an element of commitment to them, so here we go:

1. Become more creative:
Or actually let me rephrase that, I should make more use of my creativity, I get so many brilliant and creative ideas (at least I'd like to think they are), most of the time they occur to me while I'm driving or when I'm sat up in bed before sleeping meditating over my day and my life, but come day light all of this brilliancy and depth disappears, and all of my Pinterest worthy blog post ideas go to waste, so I've decided to start documenting those ideas and actually try to use them.

2. Cherish the good times:
I've been blessed with a wonderful life, I'm blessed with family and friends that make it all worthwhile. Yet I always feel like I'm not making the best of it, not living in the moment with them as much as I should. I feel like for the past few months time has been slipping from me and I haven't been able to be more productive around the house, or more engaged with my family members.

3. Relax, prioritize and don't let anxiety take over:
I am a Gemini, and being notorious for how anxious we get, I have let my anxiety consume the best of me this past year. I have decided that I wil not let my anxiety take over my day, I spent so many days in 2017 worrying about those dark corners of unknown that surround my life, I let it paralyze me completely at times, feeling fatigue and lack of productivity, my thoughts have been distracting me from getting anything at all done. 2018 will see more time management, more meditation and a lot less need to worry about what I don't know.

4. Make an investment:
In 2018 I want to make an investment, I'm not really sure how or where, but I have decided that I need to invest, either time or money or even effort in something that will give me a long time return. If you have any investment idea get in touch!

5. Read a book in Italian:
This is my last plan but the most exciting for me, I started learning Italian during the last quarter of 2017, this year I would love to commit to learning Italian to the point where I can actually read an entire book in Italian. One of the main reasons I decided to learn this language is to get more exposed to the culture in its own language, and what better way to do this expect by reading.
So here you go, my 5 big plans for 2018, I hope this year sees loads more blessing and happiness for you. Go on and share your plans and resolutions with me, would love to be inspired by you!



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