What Make Up to Pack for a Beach Vacation?

Packing for a beach trip especially if its within the borders of egypt may not be as stressful as packing for a full fledged summer vacation abroad. Nonetheless some people freak out whenever they are told they need to put essentials in a bag and are required not to pack the entire house for a couple of days or a long weekend.

Makeup, is one of those items that I was always torn wether to pack or not when taking myself to the beach or on our occasional week long family vacations to the north cost or red sea. The first thing that comes to mind is: makeup + beach = no. But in all honest, I tend to pack a fairly normal amount of makeup when I’m going to a beach trip, because even though all days are spent only with sunscreen, all nights are spent out and about, either in a city shopping or walking around, or in a cafe or a bar or even a club, all of which requires makeup.

But the kind of makeup I pack for such occasions is completely different than what I pack for other trips. A, because when I’m tanned I find that my skin has this natural glow and my face and body are always the same color when that happens, so I tend to skip a bunch of products that I know a natural tan will just replace.

What to skip?
Well foundation, obviously! Your normal shade of foundation won’t suite you after one day out in the sun anyway and if you’re like me and the tan unifies your complexion you won’t need it by the second day in. I often rely on tinted SPF instead.
On that note, I almost always skip bronzer, the only expiation to this rule is if I know that I am going out one night and want to contour or chisel my cheeks a bit, but in those occasions I normally opt for a countering cream instead because my normal bronzer shade is light enough to not show up if I’ve been tanning even for a couple of hours.
The same rule applies for highlighter, If its not an intense shimmer that is extremely bronzed that only works for a glam night out I would most probably skip it.

What to pack?
Everything else, but bronzed! So the rule I set myself is whatever I would use, think of being bronzed and choose the color, of course my brow liner remains the same, but I tend to pack warmer eyeshadows, like matte browns, reds, oranges and shimmering golds and bronzes instead of pinks and purples and silver shimmer. For my blush too, I tend to chose warmer shades of blush and darker plum shades. 
For lips, a red is obvious! Then I choose one more neutral color, either plum or nude and I tend to gravitate towards creamy hydrating formulas and not matte and drying or extremely glossy stuff.

Waterproof mascara?

I only tend to pack waterproof mascara not because I would take it to the beach, oh no, but because a beach location is 90% humid weather, that’s why having a waterproof mascara and eyeliner comes in very handy to help avoid looking panda by the end of the night.

Enjoy this?! Look out for an upcoming post on how to pack your makeup when you travel!

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